MUMPS trainee and part-time artist, Ken
Rector, submits these caricatures of his favorite
MUMPS guru...
While teaching for two weeks in San Juan, PR, it rained nearly every day. Greg was told it was twice the typical rainfall, so it was no surprise that one of his students, Angel Torres, came up with this terrific drawing of the revenge of the clouds. The next week, Greg taught in West Palm Beach, FL just after the hurricane Katrina hit lower Florida. He rightly earned the title of Rainman....
One of Greg's loving sisters commissioned this personalized birdfeeder of his head (comically enlarged and placed in this Photoshopped picture)! They are called Bird Garglers and this one was handcrafted using a couple of photos. Birds are supposed to go in and out of the mouth and the head is hollow for nesting. Just as we all suspected, Greg's head is vacuous and he is aptly described a bird brain!
Click on the photo for an up close and scary view of the Gargler